10 things to spot at Loch Ardinning
Loch Ardinning, managed by the Scottish Wildlife Trust, is one of the most beautiful nature reserves in the Glasgow area. With a mix of wetland, forest, open moorland and meadow it is also a rich and diverse natural habitat. More information can be found on the trust's website here.
Currently, one should be able to spot a number of butterflies, dragonflies, ladybirds and other insects, slugs and a mix of wildflowers. I have put together a list of just 10 of the things that we saw yesterday on a loop walk around the Loch in case that could be a useful goal to encourage the family or yourselves to get out there. A bug jar can be popular with children.
Peacock butterfly, Aglais io. In flight this generally appears as very dark almost black butterfly, revealing its colours once settled on a flower.
Green-veined white butterfly, Pieris napi. Hard to distinguish from other whites when in flight, but when settled look for distinct veinis on the underside of the wings.
Seven-spot Ladybird, Coccinella 7-punctata. Look on thistles in the meadow south of the loch.
Black Slug, Arion ater. Common in the damp woodland to the south west of the loch.
Water mint, Mentha aquatica. Widespread in the damp woodland to the south west of the loch.
Birds foot trefoil, Lotus corniculatus. In the roadside meadow to the south west of the Loch
Tufted vetch, Vicia cracca. Along the roadside near the car park.
Thistle. In the meadow to the south of the loch.
Devils-bit Scabious, Succisa pratensis. You might see this in combination with a Green-veined white near the kissing gate to the north east of the loch.
Heather. Widespread.